Today, COVID-19 is affecting 202 countries and two international conveyances. Is it possible that WHO calls us, saying: "Hello, this is just a April Fool's...
Today, COVID-19 is affecting 196 countries and a cruise ship around the world. In other words, all global citizens are facing the war against coronavirus. ...
Coronavirus is spreading. More and more schools are closing. Many students around the world have to study at home. hihilulu comes up its solution supporti...
March is here and announces a beautiful change in the nature. It opens the door for the arrival of Spring-perhaps the most popular of the four seasons!
The new coronavirus has spread to more than 60 countries. More and more people's normal life would be affected. hihilulu teaching team works out a special ...
As Coronavirus cases surging in more countries, it sparks new travel disruption and staying home advice. More public schools in France, in UK, in Italy.......
The coronavirus in China triggers the biggest work-from-home, e-schools, e-learning experiment in the world. hihilulu China team is one of those who take u...
The founder of hihilulu Chinese immersion platform is going to share her experience in raising multi-lingual kids in this blog and talk about tactics used i...
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