Today is St. Valentine Day, we need more love to defeat the coronavirus. During the period of Coronavirus2019-nCoV, love everyone around you and say "Happy ...
Learning a language with authentical videos. hihilulu provides a rich content resource for kids learning Chinese at home during the period of Coronavirus 20...
In support of the city of Wuhan affected by the coronavirus and the other cities of the world, from this week until the end of February, we will offer educa...
Learning a foreign language by watching TV or films in the original version has always been recommended as an efficient method to cultivate an authentic lan...
Miss Mandarin highly recommends hihilulu to parents and teachers who are looking for high-quality Chinese learning cartoons for kids. Beyond contents, hihil...
Miss Mandarin faces a challenge of classroom management for her blog this time. Do you meet the same challenges as Mass Mandarin? Share your thoughts and ex...
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